VSSL is a container for contemporary, queer, interdisciplinary artistic practice(s) and its’ communities.

A. Radage & B. Sebastian as part of FACET at VSSL. Image courtesy of Baiba Sprance & Marco Berardi. 2023

June Lam as part of FACET at VSSL. Image courtesy of Baiba Sprance & Marco Berardi. 2023
VSSL believe that art, like queerness, is a field of unlimited potential and strive to ensure everyone within our communities can benefit from its impact. We are a queer & disabled artist-led, not-for-profit gallery & studio located in Deptford, London (UK). A place of gathering and creation for queer people and our extended communities.

Our space is a site for artistic production and engagement, dedicated to the holding and nurturing of contemporary, queer, interdisciplinary art and practitioners.We work with and continue to support an ever growing register of emerging and mid career artists, while fostering mutually supportive relationships with organisations including; Ugly Duck, ]performance s p a c e [, Live Art Development Agency, Queer Art Projects, Live Art Club & FUTURERITUAL

We intend that VSSL remains a place where our communities can meet, create and grow. Please be in touch with questions, invitations and collaborative possibilities and read more about our mission here.

about | archive | artists | events | opportunitiesspace | contact
VSSL studio, Unit 8, 50 Resolution Way. Deptford, London, UK. SE8 4AL

Contact:  info@vssl-studio.org - Join our mailing list & follow our InstagramLinkedin & Facebook.

VSSL studio logo design by Ben Normanton.