Kane Stonestreet. Image by Henri T.

Live Art Club 

October 2022

POSTPONED: Wedesnday 28 September 2022, 7.30pm
>Audience RSVP
>Artists sign up

Update: Live Art Club is a platform available for artists to use as and when they need. In the ebb and flow of creative calendars, LAC isn’t widely needed this month. To protect our energies, and that of our audience, we have decided to postpone tonight’s event. We’ll be back with you on Thursday 3 November.

Taking the function of a studio as a site of artistic creation, Live Art Club expands  the idea of what a studio can be. Rather than imagining a studio as a private, enclosed space, Live Art Club proposes the studio as a place of gathering, where creative experiments take place in dialogue with peers and community:

Do you have part of a new idea, an experiment in working with an audience, a way of moving your body, a series of sounds you’re excited by, an unexpected activation of the space, an interruption of tradition, guttural words that want to explode out of you, a re-performance of a forgotten idea or anything else that might look/feel/taste like Live Art?

We want to see it! Share what you’ve been working on with us at our next event on September 28th.

>Info for artists about participating in Live Art Club

Live Art Club is a monthly open platform for performance art, taking place on the 1st of the month at VSSL. It is free to attend and free to participate in.

Audiences, please do RSVP to let us know you are coming.

Project  Info, Venue, Access
>Live Art Club  project info
>Location & access


about | archive | artists | exhibitionsspace | contact
VSSL studio, Unit 8, 50 Resolution Way. Deptford, London, UK. SE8 4AL

Contact:  info@vssl-studio.org - Join our mailing list & follow our InstagramLinkedin & Facebook.

VSSL studio logo design by Ben Normanton.